We help 7500-Acre Crop Farmers Farm More Land, More Profitably


Keep More of Your Cash

Pounce on Available Land

Stop Stressing About Finances


We take care of the finances and the paperwork while guiding you to greater profits, so that you can be more at ease about your money and spend more time on your tractor.

Many of my clients save tens of thousands in taxes within the first 12 months of working together.

Farming is hard work.

It’s even harder if you don’t know your financials until December.


Ways We Can Work Together


Financial expertise and tax strategy under one roof.


The guidance you need while sticking with your own accountant and CPA.


Access to expertise and a community of farmers who want to keep land in the family.

Results, guaranteed.

Make better decisions to improve profitability. Base your:

  • Business decisions on data rather than gut instinct

  • Planting decisions on historical field profitability

  • Purchasing decisions knowing if the cash in the bank is actually yours (or not)

  • Equipment decisions on scenarios designed to optimize performance

Improve cashflow:

  • Stop wasting money on interest

  • Avoid overpaying taxes

  • Optimize the discounts your vendors offer

Have an easier time with your bank:

  • Better leverage your assets

  • Get your paperwork organized and presented the way the bank wants to see it

  • Ensure allllllll the equipment on your farm is captured on your balance sheet, so that you qualify for lower interest rates

  • Capture everything the right way on your Financial Statements, so that the bank approves you without headaches, so ​that your loans get approved more quickly

  • Be ready when that piece of land you’ve had your eye on becomes available

What farmers are saying

Catherine is definitely a woman I want on my side! She is always there for us and has definitely saved us money.
Catherine understands the ag business like no other, and she pushes me to reach for goals I never thought possible.
We saved more than $100K on entitiy structures alone, and I get financial reports that I can actually understand and use.