Get a thorough examination of your farm’s financials and a custom plan for improvements to make without having to change CPAs


Not sure if your tax savings are optimized?

You’re a farmer, not a tax expert. You want to be on the tractor as much as possible, not crunching numbers in a spreadsheet, or on a napkin. Yet, you can’t help but wonder, “Are there more savings out there for me?” 

Even if you wanted to find the answer, you wouldn’t know where to start. And, you don’t have time. Or interest.

You’ve met with your CPA, who is probably getting you an ok deal. But… is he really? Maybe. But maybe not. 

And there’s been no way to get a second opinion, without an enormous headache called “changing accountants.” And no one wants to do that.


Imagine finding $100k of tax and expense savings

Imagine this – Imagine having $100K or more of profit every year, year after year, that you could put to use on your farm. 

Imagine having that extra cash to jump on a piece of land that pops up for sale. Imagine having that profit, without having to work any harder. 

Imagine all having money that just stays in your account at the end of the year, instead of being paid to Uncle Sam, or to the banks. 

Get a personalized plan from a CPA who only does farms

Get a Custom Financial Improvement and Tax Savings Plan –  You can have a plan that is designed exclusively for your farm, with the steps to implement it, in just a few days. 

Because I work only with farmers, and have done so for years (decades!), I know exactly where to look. I know exactly what other CPAs miss. 

I know what your CPA is missing.

And that’s ok - I will work with both you and your CPA to get you the guidance you need, with the support you need to make sure the right improvements are made.


Catherine Ozment, CPA & founder of Farm + AG CPA


In-Depth Custom Plan

We go in-depth on the entire picture of your farm, run a variety of scenarios, and find all kinds of savings opportunities worth $150K+.

Basic Review and Consultation

Find the low-hanging tax fruit that is often overlooked but easy to implement. A bit of creativity and fresh thinking can easily save you worth $50K+.

Single Straight Up Consultation

Get your burning farm and tax questions answered, fast. One meeting, one topic, one hour so you can move forward confidently.

In-Depth Custom Plan Worth $150K+

A thorough examination of your farm’s financials and a custom plan for improvements to make without having to change CPAs.
Because most CPAs don’t specialize in farm taxes, they may be missing goodness that’s tucked into the tax code.
We know where to look to find you hundreds of thousands of dollars in savings.

How It Works:

Start with a discovery call to make sure your farm has all the right ingredients for getting results. If I don’t think I can get you solid results, I will be upfront about it. (ie, I won’t take you on!)

If we decide we are a fit for working together and we want to move forward, the process will look like this: 
You’ll get the most savings if we can gather all the information. To make sure we have everything, you’ll get a checklist of documents to send me. That list will likely include most recent tax returns, loan documents, and equipment account summaries. Once I receive everything, I will review it in preparation of our first meeting.
This meeting gives us a chance to ask questions and better understand your farm’s financials. After this meeting I will analyze your situation and run scenarios, and you will want to connect with your own CPA and bring them up to speed.
It’s in this meeting where you will see your in-depth tax strategy and how much various scenarios can save you. We’ll talk through your options to help you determine which paths are best for you, and what you will need to do to implement changes.
— Day 10: MEET FOR 2 HOURS
In this 3-way call on Zoom, we will review your plan altogether, so that your CPA is on the same page and knows exactly how to implement.
Because questions will arise as your CPA implements this strategy, we schedule up to 3 follow up meetings inside the next 2 months to make sure the strategy is properly implemented.

How it Works

you will get

  • Discovery Call – to see if this option makes sense for you

  • Complete checklist of required documentation 

  • Shared Google Drive for easy access

  • Meet up to 6x to ensure accurate implementation of strategy, including meeting with your CPA

  • Our calls and conversations are confidential

  • Investment: $30,000 per farm

  • Payment due in full up front or can be split in two payments of $16,500

  • Scheduling a Discovery Call only signals interest and does not commit either of us. 


Guarantee: In order to ensure a 5x ROI for you, I only take on farmers for whom I know I can get results. If you don’t get at least a 5x ROI over 3 years, I will refund your payment with no questions asked. 

Don’t worry, there’s no risk or obligation and it’s free to schedule a Discovery Call.

Investment = $30,000 per farm

Basic Review and Consultation

For the farmer who wants to find $50,000 of low-hanging tax fruit without changing CPAs. There is goodness in the tax code that most farmers aren’t taking advantage of. And most CPAs are stuck in an old-school mindset and are not creative enough to take advantage of what is available. 


  • Work with a CPA who knows farming inside and out 

  • Find more than $50,000 per year in tax savings

  • Get a clear and simple plan and know what changes to make


When you are ready to move forward:

  • Schedule your 2-hour session here and follow through to the Make Payment section (you will be prompted for this as you go through the scheduling process)

  • Once you schedule and pay, you will receive a link to Google Drive, where you can upload your tax return(s)

  • I will review your tax returns inside 5 days, create your custom tax-saving recommendations.

  • We will meet on Zoom to discuss the recommendations. 

Price = $5000

Single Straight Up Consultation

Get your burning farm and tax questions answered, fast. One meeting, one topic, one hour.


  • Work with a CPA who knows farming inside and out 

  • Get a clear and simple plan and know what changes to make, to your one topic


  • Schedule your 1-hour session here and follow through to the Make Payment section (you will be prompted for this as you go through the scheduling process)

  • We will meet on Zoom to discuss recommendations

Price = $1000

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I know where to look. It’s too long to explain here, but there are 3 places that will likely comprise 80% of your savings. 

  • The shelf life of this strategy is typically 4 years. Sweeping tax overhauls usually come just once in a generation: before President Trump’s overhaul, the one before that was under President Reagan. There are smaller changes more often, but your tax Plan should last you 4 years or more.

  • Once we do the main plan, we can do an updated version to hit refresh annually, for a fraction of the investment. I want you to have ongoing savings and success; we can discuss options to help you maintain your savings over the years as part of this service.