High-level tax and financial strategy for 10,000 acre crop farmers in South Texas


Do you want to grow your farm, but know that you need a better handle on your financials to make that happen?

Farming is your full time job. If tracking reams of financial data is keeping you up at night, we can help. 

CFO level services are designed specifically for farmers to offer a more strategic level of guidance for your business. Not only will we ensure your accounting is accurate, but more importantly, we will dig deep into the business of your farm to uncover tax savings and other opportunities to improve profitability.

High-level accounting for your farm can make all the difference.

DO you:

  • Wonder if you are truly profitable, because seasons and expenses overlap, muddying the picture

  • Feel amazing when that $1M check for cotton comes in, only to realize later that it cost $1.1M to put it on the trucks?

  • Wonder if your entities are copacetic with the regulators, even if the lawyers tell you everything checks out?

  • Worry about passing your farm to the next generation, before it’s too late?

Do you want:

  • To be ready to snap up that piece of land the moment it goes up for sale

  • Grow your farm so that you can eventually lease land and generate Mailbox Money

  • Spend as much time as you can on your tractor, and get out of the paperwork

  • Get better deals on equipment, seed, and fertilizer

  • Farm with the Big Boys

Fractional CFO Services

Are designed to bring the business of your farm up to the next level. 

  • Accounting

    We’ll get your Financial Statements in order, so that you have a much easier time with the bank. 

  • Banking

    We’ll smooth out the renewal process, so that your loans come in faster and at better interest rates

  • Taxes

    We’ll fight for every penny that is yours – there’s a lot of goodness in the tax code for farmers to take advantage of


Have a finger on the pulse of your farm.

Sometimes your gut is spot on, but metrics tell the real story.
You’ll get a dashboard so that you can become aware of issues before they become real problems, saving you time and headache.


 We will analyze farming metrics, like:

Revenue per acre, so that you can 

  • Better negotiate with vendors

  • Know if it’s in the ballpark compared to other farmers your size

  • Choose different products

Cost per machine, so that you can know

  • If your machine is profitable or not

  • If it might be time to trade it in

Trends, like:

  • Sales – are they growing or declining

  • What is happening with prices?

  • Production costs, so you know what to plant


As a farmer, it’s crucial to know if you’re profitable, or just using bank and FSA money to make it float. The balance in your bank account isn’t good enough.


What You Get

  • Understand your farm’s financial situation and make sure you’re always on track to meet your goals with monthly meetings

  • Understand the impact of your decisions before you make them, with scenario planning and modeling

  • Renewals that flow quickly and smoothy, with always up-to-date financial reports and top-level support, so you can keep your focus on your farm

  • Be prepared for big purchases by staying on top of your cash flow and debt service metrics in real time


How it Works

If we decide we are a good fit for working together, the first phase is to get you onboarded. This includes gathering all bank accounts and documentation. Don’t worry – we’ll make it simple and painless. 


How it works - getting going

We get up to speed on the current state of your farming operation by:

  • Gathering all the information

  • Reviewing past tax returns, renewals, and budgets

  • Getting current budgets in place so we can compare budgets to actuals

  • Mapping out the rest of the year

  • Building the Balance Sheet

  • Building out the Income Statement

You’ll always have access to your Quickbooks file so that you can always see the state of your operations.

How it works - ongoing

Once we are up-to-speed, we set recurring meetings to:

  • Solidify the renewal

  • Do in-depth tax planning

  • Monitor cost per acre

  • Update and analyze cash budgets

  • Run scenarios for big equipment and/or land purchases

  • Plan for market analysis and revenue timing

And you have access to me anytime without worrying about the meter running


What does it cost?

We want nothing less than highly satisfied farmers, and in order to do that, we need to understand what we are dealing with to know what we can do for you. 

Most farmers invest $6/acre - $8/acre – and we’ll make it well worth it.