On-demand financial and tax-related trainings and resources so you can be more profitable without changing CPAs


Most farmers are overpaying in taxes and interest to the tune of $250K - $500K+ per year. Don’t be one of them.

It’s time to ditch the black-box of “Was my crop profitable?” and learn exactly how to get your farm’s financials in order, so that your profitability goes up. Waaay up. 

There’s a better way to run the financial side of your farm.

Does this sound like you?

  • I don’t understand the whole picture of the financials in my farm

  • There’s so much data, but I can’t get the insights I need

  • I trust my gut instinct, but it would be nice to back my decisions up by data

  • I don’t know if last year was in fact profitable

  • I’m sure there are better ways to do thing, but I don’t know what they are

  • I’m scared to death about 2022

Are you ready to be more profitable?


Most farmers want to spend more time on their tractor, and less time on their computers.

You’re not alone. The data of farming can be overwhelming if you don’t have a process to follow, and know what to look for. Can I let you in something?

Most CPAs aren’t trained on farm financials and tax, and they’re often too busy to give you the tax breaks that are available to you. 

You end up overpaying and overspending in countless locations in your business. 

And you don’t know it. 

And you shouldn’t have to: you're the expert on farming, crops, soil, and seed. Not S-Corps, LLCs, FSA, and Financial Statements. (Who wants that?)

Farming is big business, with big numbers, and even small oversights can have big costs. 

But knowing what to improve and where to start can be overwhelming, especially when it’s time to plant and there’s equipment to fix. 

The Profit-Savvy Farming Community can get you headed in the right direction, giving you the exact steps at the right size doses, so that you can pay less in taxes, get better interest rates on loans, and get your data in the right place so you can make better decisions, especially about what to plant and where.

The best part? You don’t have to switch accountants or CPAs. You can take all the advice we give you, bring it to him (or her) and they can help you with the changes. 

Changing CPAs takes time and energy, and we don’t think you should have to make the switch just to get access to the advice and tools that will save you hundreds of thousands of dollars per year. 


Join the community of profit-savvy farmers and start improving your profitability from the get-go. 

The Profit-Savvy Farming Community offers you daily support for your urgent financial and tax questions, an always-growing library of bite-sized trainings to hone your selling skills, and monthly live calls with farming tax expert Catherine Ozment to smooth out the business side of your farm financials. 

What farmers are saying

We saved more than $100K on entitiy structures alone, and I get financial reports that I can actually understand and use.”
— Dale Allen
Catherine understands the ag business like no other, and she pushes me to reach for goals I never thought possible.”
— Chris Hajovsky
Catherine is definitely a woman I want on my side! She is always there for us and has definitely saved us money.”
— Joyce Lenhert

Join the Profit-Savvy Farming Community

Do you need to make a change?

Are you looking for a place where you can learn how to improve the business side of your operation, without the structure of a course at the Ag Extension?

With 15+ years of farm tax experience, farmers hire Catherine to find all the goodness in the tax code and take advantage of it.

The community is where we connect

You bring your tax, banking, loans, and financial questions, and I will bring answers and expertise. 

The community is where you’ll find your people – farmers like you who “just want to farm,” but who also care deeply about their farms, want to keep it in the family, and preserve the farming culture for generations to come. 

better farming decisions

Community members are always improving their profitability, with input and guidance from me. Farmers report transformations in their business when they focus on implementing steps that yield better decisions.

And you will too!


  • Direct access to a CPA to deliver the support and training you’re looking for in a manageable way

  • An engaged community of crop farmers nationwide, who connect and help each other in a private, exclusive group

  • Regular LIVE Q&A, perfect for asking Catherine financial and tax-related questions in real time. Hearing what questions other farmers ask may offer you answers to questions you didn’t know you had

  • Right–sized video training modules covering every imaginable nook and cranny of available savings, from equipment depreciation to land inheritances to entity structure to bank-ready Financial Statements.

  • Not a visual learner? There are audio versions of each module, so you can listen on the go. 

Immediate access to a metric ton of content, tools, and tips in the resource library, guaranteed to make your life easier, save you time, and reduce paperwork headaches.

How does it work?

The Profit-Savvy Farming Community combines training materials and videos housed in the membership vault AND real-time support through the private Facebook group. 

By combining the library and resources and the treasure of the community, you’ll be set up to fast-track your profitability gains with the support of Catherine and the insights of other farmers every step of the way. 

Subscribe for $147 per month, implement a few key tactics based on your specific farm’s situation, and watch your financials change for the better, fast

Plan to stay for a while to maintain direct access to Catherine as your farming and ag CPA expert – in your back pocket for when future tax questions arise. Because the farming landscape is always changing, quick access to guidance makes a world of difference. 


  • Know where to look for savings

  • Get better interest rates on loans

  • Claim every last tax deduction

  • Make better use of entities

  • Be ready to pounce when land comes up

  • Optimize retirement plans to reduce taxes


  • Equipment checklists - capture those pivots!

  • Land Improvement checklists - don’t forget outbuildings

  • Bank-ready Financial Statements - know what the bank is looking for

  • Guidelines for Better Interest Rates and Loans

  • How to stay out of hot water with entity use

  • Optimize the use of your spouse :) from a tax standpoint

Join the Profit-savvy Farming Community Today!

Get immediate access to transform your farming financials for $147/mo

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The investment to join the Tax-Savvy Farming Community is $147/month.

  • No, you can join and then cancel the next month if you find that it’s not for you, or you get everything out of it that you can in the first 30 days. There’s no long-term commitment.

  • Remember that “implementers get results.” Plan to put as much into the community as you hope to get out of it. The more time you spend in the trainings and engaging with Catherine and others in the community, the more value you will receive from your membership.

    The content is set up like an on-demand platform – watch what you need/want when you need/want it. Ask questions! There is so much goodness to uncover by being a member of the community. Plan to invest at least 20 minutes a week to grow and upgrade your farm financial skills.

  • Many of our members felt this same way initially. The difference with the Tax-Savvy Farming Community is that Catherine engages with the group daily. There is always something for you to take away and immediately apply to your own business. This keeps our members totally engaged and loving the value of the community interaction.

  • If you are tired of where you are now, need expertise and guidance to make changes, AND are ready to put in the work to make a change, you will see a difference. Unsure about getting results? Read about client success stories here.